Rise By Lifting Others

Kris Stoddard | Combining two passions

Rise by Lifting Others Podcast Season 1 Episode 13

I see loved ones around me in pain and I have no tools to help. Kris' experience answering suicide hotline calls. How to receive guidance from a higher power and what that looks like for Kris. How to push ahead when the dots don't seem to connect. I followed my gut and it didn't work... now what? Approaching school a better way. 

Kris Stoddard is a corporate jet pilot and a therapist... at the same time. He tells us the amazing story of how he got there and the lessons he learned along the way.

"God knows where you stand and He’ll give you what you need in order to move forward. He is merciful and He is loving and if you think you have to be perfect to get His guidance and council, that is a misconception; that is just not true."
-Kris Stoddard

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For updates on new episodes follow @brexton.bennett or Brexton Bennett on Facebook

I want your help! Send me a text and let me know what questions I can tackle with our next guest. Let me know where you’re listening from and what you’ve enjoyed so far. 
Without the chance to connect to my listeners, this would lose all meaning for me, I love hearing from each of you.

Brexton’s personal cell:
(307) 260-8813

Until next time!