Rise By Lifting Others

Cole Barton | It's as simple as deciding that I will

Rise by Lifting Others Podcast

Growing an Ecom business to 500k in revenue in 6 months. Using that cash to buy a plane and become a commercial pilot. Starting a flight school to fund a dream of becoming a fighter jet pilot.  All before the age of 23. 

If these sound like exaggerated click bate headlines, then you need to take a listen to Cole Barton's story.

Cole was one of the funnest guests we've had on the podcast to date. He's an amazing example of defining what he wants out of life and then finding unconventional ways to bring that goal to life.

Cole has an admirable mixture of self assuredness and humility that has allowed him to turn his business ventures into a really exciting ride. 

You won't want to miss this interview.

If you enjoyed the show, be sure and share this with a friend. Also, think about leaving us a review. It really helps win over those people who are on the fence about giving the podcast a listen. 

For updates on new episodes follow @risebyliftingotherspod on Instagram.

I want your help! Send me a text and let me know what questions I can tackle with our next guest. Let me know where you’re listening from and what you’ve enjoyed so far. 

Without the chance to connect to my listeners, this would lose all meaning for me, I love hearing from each of you.

Brexton’s personal cell:

(307) 260-8813

Until next time!